Behind the Brand
NavaRio Ranch Horse Productions strives to deliver modernized equine events that promote a welcoming environment for newcomers while simultaneously raising the bar of what seasoned ranch horse competitors know and love.
Known to many as the “A-Team”, the Amanda’s share the same die-hard commitment for the equine industry. These partners-in-crime met during their undergrad years at Texas A&M. In addition to building the NavaRio brand, they are both dedicated to other equine organizations in Brazos County. As products of their horse crazed love from a young age, they want to share their passion with fellow equestrians and help them succeed in achieving their goals.
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Amanda Kile
"Chaos Coordinator"

Amanda Webb
Director of Marketing and operations
Amanda Kile's life long passion has always been to share her knowledge and love of horses with others. Although she didn’t grow up in a “horsey” family, that didn’t stop her from chasing her dreams. Participating in her local riding clubs and 4-H, drove her to constantly raise the bar.
Amanda graduated from Texas A&M (‘15) with a degree from the Biological Agricultural Engineering Department. As a member of the Texas A&M Horse Judging Team, she gained valuable experience and expanded her professional network within the Brazos Valley area.
During her senior year Amanda decided to volunteer with the Brazos County 4-H Equestrian Club and shortly after became the head coach for the horse judging team. Dedicating herself to the team, she wanted to create more opportunities for youth in the community.
What started as a small, private practice for her team grew into what is now an annual event hosting, 100+ contestants with some driving over 200 miles to attend. This has led to new opportunities for NavaRio throughout the state with the Ranch Horse Show Series being the biggest achievement to date.
Her passion for the equine industry and sense of community is the driving force behind NavaRio Productions.
Growing up listening to her Paw-Paw’s stories about his cowboy days, Amanda Webb has always had a passion for horses and agriculture. Involving herself with her local equine community at a young age, she gained invaluable experience as a barn manager, riding instructor, and competitor.
Amanda graduated Texas A&M (‘16) with a double B.S. in Animal Science and Poultry Science which led her to gain a professional role in the livestock feed industry. Her enthusiasm for horses coupled with her vast knowledge makes her a jack of all trades and a leading force in the industry.
Amanda became involved with the Equestrian Club in January of 2016 and quickly made herself an integral part of the team. This is where the legendary A-Team was born. From coaching horse judging, to starting the club’s first ever Hippology Team, hosting team events, and organizing meetings she can do it all!
In December of 2019 she was voted into the Brazos Extension Horse Committee. The committee is dedicated to supporting equine industry growth and education in Brazos County.
For every NavaRio event Amanda has always been rock solid. Her marketing skills have been essential to the development of our brand and is always a friendly face at the registration table. Having helped conceptualize the dream that is NavaRio, Amanda has been through every step of the process.
NavaRio ranch
ranch horse reining horse jackpot texas college station bryan caldwell snook brenham brazos county grimes county navasota 4h youth stock horse of texas stock horse cattle horse trail horse show open horse show live music burleson county somerville ranch horse jackpot cash prizes

Rachel Hansen
Show Secretary
Amanda Baxter
Operations cooridinator
"Amanda #3"
Rachel Hansen is originally from Luling, Louisiana and grew up fishing along the coast instead of with horses and cattle. She found her passion for agriculture after working as a ranch hand in 2017. She graduated from Sam Houston State University in 2020 with her Bachelor of Science in Animal Science with double minors in Agricultural Business and Equine Science. She continued her education at SHSU and obtained her Master of Science in Agriculture in 2022 and was a Teaching Assistant for the Equine Department. Her favorite class to teach was the Equine Foaling Practicum! During her time in college, she was a member of SHSU Horsemen’s Association, Delta Tau Alpha, and Ag Council. She was the Vice President for Kats and K9’s for Military Heroes, Graduate Advisor for the SHSU National Agri-Marketing Association Club, and the SHSU 2021-2022 Horse Judging Coach.
She started volunteering for NavaRio in 2021 during her time as the coach and came onboard the official team as the show secretary. She has also been selected as a judge for the State FFA CDE contest held at SHSU for the past three years for various events. Her collegiate background opened the doors for her professionally as she has been a formulator for a cattle liquid feed company since her 2022 graduation and she loves every second of it!
Amanda Baxter is from College Station, TX where she grew up judging and showing horses through 4-H. When she was a senior on the team, Amanda Driewer became her coach. Amanda went on to graduate from Texas A&M University in 2021 with a degree in Animal Science. She is currently working on a Masters of Agriculture in Animal Science at TAMU and will graduate in May of 2023.
During Amanda’s time in her undergrad, she was involved with the Texas A&M Horsemen’s Association where she was reconnected with the Amanda’s when Driewer came to speak about NavaRio. From then on, she was hooked and started to volunteer at the shows. In the Fall of 2020, she applied for the NavaRio Internship, was accepted, and then in 2021 was offered a staff position.
Amanda has enjoyed learning a lot about what it takes to run a show and the many different roles there are. She has been a runner, ring steward, announcer, scribe, and “substitute Lonna”. She is an essential part of the NavaRio Team with her "can do" spirit. Amanda is loving this experience and excited to continue to learn!
Honorable Mentions
River Kile
trailer Man

Collin Webb
tractor Man
Official Greeter

It is not just about the hard work of few, but rather it is about the support and dedication of the network of horsemen and horsewomen we call, NavaRio.